Satellite based ground motion surveys
for environmental safety and security

Satellite based ground motion surveys
for environmental safety and security
Land Motion Surveys for Environmental Safety and Security

What we support
Property Transactions
Many businesses around the world offer to measure ground motion using EO data.
Service successfully delivered, most significantly with Peter Brett Associates.
Ground subsidence reports priced per transaction and extracted from GeoMoves UK.
More detailed surveys can be provided.
Supports baseline surveys of green and brown-field sites for development.


Mining Subsidence, Newcastle
Property Insurance
Service based upon GeoMoves UK
Can play a significant role in re-insurance
Types of risks and perils include:
â–¸Soil shrink/swell
â–¸Engineering works
â–¸Climate change (dry/wet periods)
Information fully extends to rural communities
Infrastructure Risk Monitoring
Service successfully delivered to a number of engineering companies and asset managers, including
Stantec and Arup.
Provides baseline studies and monitoring for hazards affecting civil structures and linear infrastructure.

NL Rail Freight Route (Betuweroute)
Complete Coverage
Urban and Infrastructure Product

Peatland Monitoring
The peatland areas of the Earth are a precious commodity in the fight against climate change.
Our technology is proving to be game changing in the management of this huge international resource.
We collaborate with international and national bodies to work towards a global monitoring system.