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About our technology

Terra Motion Limited has a unique mix of expertise and IP with unmatched experience in the application of satellite radar data to address and fulfil business needs.


We have a unique and world-beating expertise in the extraction of meaningful ground subsidence information over vegetated and natural surfaces.  Our solution is currently Patent Pending.


(Advanced Pixel System using Intermittent SBAS)


APSIS© is the next generation of Terra Motion’s award-winning ISBAS capability.  It is very sensitive to small rates of subsidence capable of measuring rates of anything to millimetres to a few centimetres per year over the widest range of land cover classes including urban, agriculture, forestry and natural surfaces.

With APSIS©, we are able to offer:


  • High-resolution maps of land motion

  • The fullest possible density of measurements over urban and rural areas alike

  • Measurements that include full time-series and average motion and resolved into Up-Down and East-West components to fit the needs of the user

  • Low-volume but high resolution raster-based layers for easy manipulation in open-source and commercial GIS systems

  • Support for local, regional and national monitoring solutions


For larger rates of motion, we offer an InSAR method that uses interferogram stacking although it works best over areas of good and persistent reflectivity.

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APSIS© Fremont & Livermore, CA

Processing Capability

All of our data processing is performed in-house using our own software, written in a variety of tools including Python, Delphi and Matlab.  This is implemented on a number of high-performance Windows servers supported by a high-volume NAS system for storage and archive.  Our processing is near-automated, with interruptions only needed for QA purposes.

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APSIS© Beijing International Airport

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APSIS© Lake Sarez, Tajikistan

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