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Figure 3. Results AOI v2
Forth Road Bridge
Flow Country 2

Satellite based ground motion surveys
for environmental safety and security

Wide-area, full coverage ground motion surveys using InSAR

We have developed a unique Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique known as ISBAS (Intermittent Small Baseline Subset) that can identify and monitor very precise surface ground movements as an early warning system for a range of industries. Our method is unique in that we can survey all classes of terrain and land cover types, including vegetation, to millimetre precision where InSAR algorithms habitually struggle. We can construct surface movement history with an unrivaled point density, providing clients with new insights and assist to uncover previously undetected patterns. 

We provide surveys using any stripmap SAR products such as from ALOS, COSMO-Skymed, ERS, ENVISAT, RADARSAT and TerraSAR-X missions and using Sentinel-1 TOPS data. For a given stack of SAR imagery we can provide both average velocities and time-series of deformation. 

Average Velocity Maps

Average velocity maps derive the vertical motion occurring for each pixel over the entire period of image acquisitions. Demonstrations of this wide-area capability include land motion products of the entire surface of the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Germany.

Environmental Risk Mapping

Surveying Example Product v2.jpg

Terra Motion's wide-area land motion maps provide the ideal source for site-specific reports on ongoing and historical ground stability and subsidence risks.  These can be used to support a wide range of environmental assessments and planning applications.  The above map is an example Ground Stability map of the Chase Farm development in Gedling, Nottinghamshire, a new housing project on the former Gedling Colliery site.


Terra Motion's surveys are unique in the ability to support comprehensive risk reporting over rural and built-up areas alike, and can provide dense sets of measurements over both Greenfield and Brownfield sites.

For selected areas we also provide time-series animations which reveals the deformation profile for each pixel over time. The GIF below shows the spatio-temporal evolution of deformation over a subsiding oil field in Basra, Iraq.

Time-Series Animations

Contact one of our team: 

T: +44 (0) 1156 712 180


© 2020 Terra Motion Ltd
Registered Company Name: Terra Motion Limited

Registered Address: Terra Motion Limited,  Ingenuity Centre, Triumph Road,  Nottingham NG7 2TU, UK;

Registered Company Number: 967 2072;    Registered VAT Number: 221 9501 36    

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